Child Dedications | May 12

Dedicate your child on Mother’s Day.

Growth Track | May 19

Growth Track is for everybody and is designed to strengthen the foundation of your relationship with Jesus.

Activity Groups | June 2

This summer, we’re launching Activity Groups! What is an Activity Group?

An activity group is simply a small group of people coming together and connecting while doing a fun activity.

Group info coming soon!

Victory & Freedom | June 7-8

At a Victory & Freedom weekend, you will be taught how to discover joy in the Lord. Following the story of the prodigal son, you will learn about the acceptance that God the Father has for you. You will experience the freedom that comes from Jesus Christ and the realization that you are a child of God.

Pittsburgh Mission Trip | June 27-29

Serve our communities with your family this summer!

Do you need support or prayer?
If you need prayer or someone to talk to click the button below and we can have someone reach out to you!

Need Assistance?
We have food distribution available every month.

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